Thursday, June 4, 2009


What part of "mine" do you not understand?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Show me....

Show me a dog that doesn't enjoy sticking his head out of a moving car window and I'll show you a dog that thinks that licking his junk is a waste of time.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Stick Chewing

I like chewing sticks. So what of it?

Preceding Rep

The other day I went to the dog park to see what was shakin. It was packed, because the weather was nice. I didn't run around too much at first, but just hung with my master. I was just sniffin and then I heard someone say to him, "Is this Tyson?? I saw him walking in and go very excited. I've heard so much about him and how well-behaved he is!" Yep, I'm known around these parts and a dog that can follow orders and is basically a overgrown teddy bear. My master and I hadn't been to the dog park in a couple of months, too. She had a couple of Rotts with her. They were smaller, all shy and needed a bath. Their coats were so dusty looking that they were completely a different color than me. You know my coat stays gleaming.

Friday, May 15, 2009

'Tis a foolish dog that barks at the flying bird.

Finally.... I have been trying to catch one of you food-stealing bastards for a long, long time. Now is the hour of your discontent!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Tyson!!

So, yesterday was like every other day. My master came home and I was hysterically happy as usual. He got out of his Jeep and came over to me and said something I was unfamiliar with. He said, "Happy Birthday, puppy." I'm not sure what that meant. Whatever... But as he said that, he pulled out a new, shiny toy! He got me one of those plastic sticks made to throw the ball. Oh man, oh man, oh man!! We went on a walk and he threw the ball all over the place. It was awesome. I love to chase and I'm pretty good at bringing the ball back, too. I hope we get to play again today!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Dog and Geese

The other day, my master and I were out for a walk. We came out of the woods and saw a bunch of geese and goslings by the water side. Oh man, oh man! I held my ground and then I heard my master say, "Go see!" That was all I needed to hear, and I was off! I ran straight through them and starting prancing around. All of the geese started hissing and honking and trying to get themselves and their goslings into the water. One of them even jumped on my back and bit me. Felt like nothing, really. They all fled into the water to avoid me...but I can swim. I jumped in and swam after them. I'm not as fast as them in the water, but I could keep up because of the slower baby geese. I swam around in circles, just out of reach of them. Then they started to get too far out in the water. My master saw and called me back. I'm very heavy, so I can't swim that long. It's a good thing he was watching, because I know he doesn't want to jump in to get me....though he would in a second.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Do Not Touch

Don't let the smile fool you... Read it and heed it.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's what I bleed.

You got a problem with that?


Watchin... It's what I do. I love sitting on the porch or on the lawn and just watching the world slip by. People are strange, though. I'm not sure why when they walk by they try not to look at me or get strange, slightly nervous looks on their faces. Sometimes, they even cross the street before they get to me. What's a dog got to do to get his head scratched? Maybe if I just charge them and start barking....? I'll try it on that guy coming.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dog Park!!

Man, I love the dog park. The first time my master too me I was like, "Whoa, I had no idea there were this many dogs in the world!" So many butts to sniff and so very little time. I was a little hesitant at first and all of the dogs scared me a little. I out-weighed some of them by 100lbs, but I was very nervous when they started barking. After a few visits, my confidence started building and I realized not only was it fun, but that I was usually the biggest boy in the joint!! Mess with me now you dumb poodle! And I also get to play my favorite game, tug o' war. I'm pretty good at it, too. Man, I love the dog park!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Skate Doggin

One of my favorite things to do is run...I'm a dog. When my master jingles my collar, I know we're about to head somewhere. When he puts on my leash, I know it's any minute and we're out!! But when I see him grab that flat board with four circle things (I think he called it a skateboard), I know I'm about to run!! I love to pull him up and down the street. He's a big guy, and it's not easy. I'll show him, I'm strong too!

Iz mine

Yes, yes I do have a ball. Good luck trying to take it.


Daddy had to muzzle me. We had a long one-on-one and I promised I wouldn't chew up anymore stuff in the house. I'm even getting better and not grabbing hands to try and make them pet me. One day at a time....

The Farm

Went on a long car ride today. I knew where we were for a little, but then the smells became unfamiliar. I have NO CLUE what kind of poop I'm smelling....but I like it. It was dark when my masters and I arrived and I was put into a big shelter with so many smells and strange noises. I decided not to sleep and to just howl all night. My masters are probably fast asleep so I needed to howl very loudly so they knew I was ok. Finally, day came and I was freed. I finally go to see what I was smelling. What are those things? Whatever they are, I need to bark and chase them. After that, I hiked and played fetch and swam for the first time! We went home and I slept for an entire day. Man, that was fun. I can't wait to do that again.

My intro...

Chello, my name is Tyson. So, a little over a year ago I was rescued. I used to stay in a cage in someones backyard. I was neglected and untamed. With so much love to give, I was lucky be brought home by my loving owners. Things have been and are great. I get the disclipline, excercise, shelter, food and love that I so desire. And I think I make them pretty happy, too. There were a few rough patches earlier when I was a little bored. I couldn't help but chew up a few coats, back packs, gloves.... But, that's history now and I can actually have free roam of the basement without causing mischief. And at 120lbs, I can cause A LOT of mischief.
This pic was taken a few days after I came home.

Anyway, that's all for now. I've got some licking to do, so I'll write more later.